Natalie Light
A Detroit native currently living in LA, Natalie started blogging just over a year and a half ago. Driven by that familiar problem of too-big clothing (she’s 5’1.5”), Natalie set out to find and share her favorite petite pieces. She shares everything from graduation dresses to job interview outfits, all sized for ladies under 5’4”. One of her biggest influences is fellow blogger Sazan Hendrix of @sazan, who Natalie admires for her down-to-earth personality and engagement with the community. Reflecting on 2017, Natalie shared that her proudest moment was graduating from college with a BBA in marketing. She was the first in her family to earn a degree, and worked hard for over seven years to fund her own education. Now she works as a technical recruiter, where she hires people in the IT industry for different companies. With more responsibilities it’s often a challenge to keep up with blogging, but she tries to make time every weekend to plan new content. Natalie is no stranger to setting and achieving goals--from making her dream move to LA to completing her undergraduate education to balancing work and blogging, she dedicates herself to everything she pursues. Her advice is to tackle big projects by taking them one step at a time so that they seem more manageable. She’s setting even more goals for herself in 2018, including improving her writing and having a more positive outlook on her self-image and blog material. She wants to create thoughtful content instead of creating content just for the sake of it.